I went through my Verve sentiments to see which one would fit into the square and came across the Always on my mind set. This set was a total impulse buy, didnt have anything in mind for it and thought the font was too pretty to pass up. But when paired with some cute MME beloved papers, I think it makes a pretty decent vday card. I stamped the little heart from the set and paper pieced it in red paper to mount on the senti panel.
I used some PTI pure poppy saddle stitch ribbon but the white was a bit too bright. So I colored over the white with an E41 marker to make it more creme like. And boy that was kinda alot more work than I expected...
The Dets:
Stamps: Verve Happy Hello, Always on my mind
Paper: PTI kraft, MME beloved
Ink: Brilliance pearlescent chocolate, rocket red, copics
Accessories: PTI pure poppy ribbon, divine twine, kaiser pearls